Looking for Replica Car Insurance?
There are some highly desirable replica cars available in the UK, either to buy ready-made or to build yourself.
From Classic Jaguars to striking 550 Spyders, replica Shelby Cobras or dashing incarnations of the Porsche 356, replicas cut a distinctive dash on any driveway and are always a real talking point. From European cover to temporary insurance or insuring your build whilst in progress, this guide explores your options.
Is Replica Car Insurance Cheaper?
There has long been a school of thought that replica cars are cheaper to insure than standard cars. Whilst they are certainly cheaper to insure than the originals, they can also be harder to insure than standard cars, requiring a specialist insurer who understands replicas and can value them accurately.
Typically most replica car owners also own a standard car to use as their general run around or family car. This means that the replica car can be insured as a second vehicle, often on a limited mileage policy, which can lower insurance costs considerably.
Top Tips When Taking out Replica Car Insurance
How to Save Money on Replica Car Insurance
Replica Car Insurance – Useful FAQs
Yes absolutely, providing they have been registered with the DVLA, comply with road vehicle regulations (achieved Individual Vehicle Approval) and have the prerequisite tax, insurance and MOT.
Yes, if you take out build-up insurance.
So long as your car will not be driven on public roads you do not have to tax it, however you will have do declare it off-road by registering it as SORN with the DVLA.
Track days are not usually covered by insurance, so you will need to either specify that this is something you want included in your annual policy, or purchase bolt-on track day insurance as and when you need it.
You can earn NCB on any car so long as it is your primary vehicle.
If you have insured your replica car as a second vehicle many insurers will only apply your no claims discount to the first vehicle. Some insurers however will let you ‘mirror’ your NCB if both vehicles are part of a multi car policy.
Yes, many specialist insurers will insure replica cars for just a few days, weeks or months, which can be very useful if your replica car is only used in fair weather.
Be sure to declare it as SORN with the DVLA during those periods when you are not using it, since it is an offence to own an uninsured vehicle which has not been declared as off-road.
This depends whether you are hiring it out and making an income from it or just doing a favour for friends and family. If you are making an income from it, you will require a hire and reward policy.
If it’s just occasionally for friend’s it’s still advisable to let your insurer know and depending on your insurer, there may be an increase to your premium.