Looking for Hourly Van Insurance?
Taking out hourly van insurance has never been easier. Many companies are looking to change the way we think about insurance by utilising app-based technology. This enables buyers to take out and cancel cover with just a few taps on a smart phone.
Registry with these companies takes a little longer as account holders will need to provide their contact details, date of birth, driving history and UK driving licence. Once this is done it really is a simple as entering the vehicle details on an app, agreeing the price and paying for your van insurance for anything from an hour to 28 days.

Why take out Hourly Van Insurance?
There are lots of reasons why UK drivers choose to take out hourly van insurance. Very often it is simply to borrow a van from friends or family. You may need to temporarily drive a van for business purposes or to move possessions, goods or new purchases. Maybe you plan to borrow a van to go on holiday, have offered to share the driving on a long trip or simply need insurance to take a potential new van for a test drive or bridge a short gap between annual policies. Hourly van insurance is designed to cover all of these and many providers give you the flexibility to turn your cover on and off at will.
An alternative to hourly insurance is to be listed as a named driver on the owner’s policy. Although this will provide the insurance you require by law, the downside is that if you do have an accident, then the owner will have to claim on their policy and their no claims discount will be impacted. Temporary hourly van insurance is in your name, giving you both peace of mind.
How Much Does Hourly Van Insurance Cost?
The cost of hourly van insurance, just like standard insurance, is impacted by a variety of fluctuating factors such as your age and driving history, as well as the type and specification of the van you are looking to insure, your location and even the time of day you will be driving it, making it impossible to give a one price fits all estimate. However, this is good news for UK drivers as it means that your policy is tailored to you and your van, and so you are only paying to cover the risk that you represent.
Is hourly van insurance expensive?
If you were to expand the price you pay for hourly van insurance across a year, it would certainly be more expensive than an annual policy. However, the flexibility of an hourly van insurance policy means that you are only paying for the insurance you need, nothing more and nothing less. Gone are the days when you would need to takeout insurance for a week or a month, when you only really needed cover for an afternoon, making it financially more agreeable.

Hourly Van Insurance – Useful FAQs
This varies between insurers. Typically, hourly van insurance is available to drivers between the ages of 21 and 65.
Some insurers will only insure drivers who have a UK driving licence. However, it’s worth shopping around as some will honour valid licences from the EU, EEA, Australia, New Zealand, South Africa and Switzerland, with a supporting passport.
Many hourly van insurance providers automatically include class 1 business insurance within the policy, which covers you for things like moving. However, it’s the van that’s insured not the contents, for this you would need goods in transit insurance.