Looking for Disabled Car Insurance?
Finding a good price on disabled car insurance used to be difficult, not to mention expensive, however today’s insurance market is a very different arena.
Although disabled car insurance is still a specialist provision, insurers are far more informed as to modifications and adaptations for disabled drivers and educated as to the requirements of disabled car insurance. This guide explores ways to save money and what look out for when choosing disabled car insurance.
Disabled car insurance, modifications and adaptations
Not all disabled drivers require modifications to their vehicle, however those that do, have in the past found these negatively impact the cost of their car insurance.
Standard insurers have a tendency to dramatically ramp up premiums for vehicles that do not fit neatly within one of their Insurance Group Ratings, however specialist insurers are far more understanding when it comes to modifications, especially if they don’t impact on performance or appearance. In fact, some modifications such as security alarms and immobilisers can actually reduce insurance costs. Modifications and adaptations can include things like:
- Ramps and Tail Lifts
- Hoists and winches
- Steering wheel balls and joysticks
- Adapted and infra-red controls
The rule with modifications is to always declare them in detail to your insurer or risk invalidating your policy. It’s also important to confirm with your insurer that modifications will be replaced if your vehicle is stolen or written off.
What to look out for with disabled car insurance
If you are trying to take out disabled car insurance, it is worth enquiring about the following:
Very often Home-Start will be included as standard on a disabled car insurance policy.
Will a replacement vehicle be supplied with the required modifications or if not, is there a provision such as a taxi allowance?
For example, wheelchairs?
Saving money on disabled car insurance
When it comes to saving money on disabled car insurance, there is no great difference between this and standard car insurance. Usual rules apply such as:
Save on interest charges
Only if this is realistically affordable for you
This can reduce premiums by reducing risk
Blue Badge policies can make car insurance more accessible
Alarms, immobilisers and tracking systems can all help lower costs
Anything that increases performance or appearance, usually increases price
If you only drive occasionally, this could be beneficial
Safer rivers are cheaper drivers
TOP TIP: The Mobility Scheme is a cost effective way for disabled or impaired drivers to lease a new car every 3 years, using their mobility allowance. There is an extensive selection of vehicles available and the majority come with:
- Servicing, maintenance and repairs
- Full RAC breakdown assistance
- Tyre and windscreen replacement
Disabled Car Insurance – Useful FAQs
There’s no one size fits all solution to disabled car insurance. As a specialist solution each policy is looked at on an individual basis.
Most disabled car insurers are familiar with insuring cars and vans converted for wheelchair access.